PMP Practice Exam Results

Taking practice exams was probably the single most important part of my study process. I took countless practice exams and answered over 3,000 questions (not including Chapter Tests from Head First PMP and Rita Mulcahy’s PMP Prep). Not only did it help me learn more about project management, it really helped me with my timing. Especially the full practice exams (200 questions).

Below are my results. The reason I’m posting them is because I think it can help some people compare their progress with someone else who’s already gone through this journey. During my prep, I would have loved to have known what others were scoring just for my own peace of mind. I hope it helps someone out there. If so, please feel free to leave a comment.

Date Attempt Questions Provider Score Notes
9/24/17  100 PMP – Joseph Phillips  67  First pass at the final exam. Must pass to earn PDUs
9/27/17  100 PMP – Joseph Phillips  98  Pass the class (score of 80 is passing) 
10/1/17  120 CertChamp  73  Good test
10/3/17  75 Oliver Lehmann  65  Fantastic, very difficult. If you get 60+, that is good
10/19/17  75 Oliver Lehmann  65  I received the same exact score 2 weeks later
10/22/17  50 WhizLabs  52  Pretty good and challenging
11/30/17  75 Oliver Lehmann  64  Still unable to crack 70! Damn you Oliver! 
12/3/17  200 PMP Head First  84  PMP Head first PMP Practice Exam in the book 
12/4/17  50 PMP Exam Simulator  66  Android phone app. English grammar was rough
12/7/17  15 PrepCast  93  Good free questions
12/10/17 1 15 PrepCast  87  Good free questions
12/9/17 1 175 Oliver Lehmann 175 PDF 69 175 Questions PDF. Really hard!
12/10/17 1 50 PMAspire 82 Not bad but easy
12/12/17 1 15 PrepCast  67 Good free questions
12/12/17 1 15 PrepCast  73 Good free questions
12/12/17 1 200 PMAspire 84 PMAspire – Q&A Exam
12/14/17 1 15 PrepCast  60 Free short quiz
12/14/17 1 15 PrepCast  67 Free short quiz
12/14/17 1 20 PM PrepCast Quiz 85 PM PrepCast (Paid version)
12/15/17 17 50 PM PrepCast Quiz 86 PM PrepCast (Paid version)
12/22/17 1 200 PM PrepCast Exam 74 PM PrepCast Exam #1 (Paid version)
12/26/17 2 200 PM PrepCast Exam 82 PM PrepCast Exam #2 (Paid version)
12/27/17 3 200 PM PrepCast Exam 81 PM PrepCast Exam #3 (Paid version)
12/30/17 4 200 PM PrepCast Exam 78 PM PrepCast Exam #4 (Paid version)
1/2/18 5 200 PM PrepCast Exam 85 PM PrepCast Exam #5 (Paid version)
1/9/18 6 200 PM PrepCast Exam 77 PM PrepCast Exam #6 (Paid version)
1/14/18 7 200 PM PrepCast Exam 80 PM PrepCast Exam #7 (Paid version)
1/20/18 8 200 PM PrepCast Exam 75 PM PrepCast Exam #8 (Paid version)

Below are my end of chapter test results from the Head First book.

Head First Chapter Exams  
Chapter Knowledge Area Score Avg Time
4 Integration 72% 0:01:07
5 Scope 85% 0:01:05
6 Time 88% 0:01:18
7 Cost 87% 0:01:34
8 Quality 85% 0:00:42
9 HR 90% 0:00:36
10 Communications 67% 0:01:12
11 Risk 95% 0:00:39
12 Procurement 73% 0:01:16
13 Stakeholder 67% 0:00:55
14 Professional Responsibility 90% 0:00:42
  Total Average 82% 0:01:00

Below are my end of chapter test results from the Rita Mulcahy book.

Rita Mulcahy  
Chapter Knowledge Area Score Avg Time
4 Integration 72% 0:01:06
5 Scope 63% 0:01:06
6 Time 79% 0:01:05
7 Cost 76% 0:01:03
8 Quality 97% 0:01:12
9 HR 81% 0:01:08
10 Communications 82% 0:01:22
11 Risk 66% 0:01:09
12 Procurement 86% 0:01:06
13 Stakeholder 70% 0:01:15
14 Professional Responsibility 93% 0:01:07
  Total Average Score 79% 0:01:09