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Fix blurry Outlook on Windows 10

If you’ve ever experienced where Outlook 2016 appears blurry on an external monitor try the following quick solution to fix blurry Outlook on Windows 10.   In Outlook, select Display Settings at the bottom...


A non-numeric value encountered

I use a WONDERFUL WordPress plugin called SportsPress for another blog that I manage. This is a GREAT plugin and has worked for me very nicely for several years. However, every once in a...


Text Message on Windows PC

You can send and receive a text message on Windows PC using Chrome browser easily and quickly.  Have your phone ready and navigate to the website below. Once you’ve navigated to the


Cutting the Cord – Free at Last (Part V)

Free at Last!Do you feel that? Ahh yes, that’s the sweet freedom of NO CONTRACTS! NO MULTI-YEAR OBLIGATIONS. Now that you are officially getting your TV entertainment directly off the internet, you can officially...


Cutting the Cord – Getting Started (Part I)

Cutting the Cord Series – Part I Getting StartedWell, you’ve finally decided it might be time to cut the cord, as the saying goes, which means getting rid of your cable, satellite or phone...


Cutting the Cord Overview

Cutting the cord to your cable, satellite or phone company is something that cost-conscious folks should seriously consider. With all the enhancements made with high speed internet and the ever-increasing number of streaming devices...