Category: General


Oops Something went wrong Android Auto

“Oops something went wrong, please try again”. That is the response I started getting over and over again from Google Assistant on Android Auto in my new car every time I tried to give...


Texting from your computer

Here is a quick little tip that really came in handy for me while on a trip overseas. Texting from your computer. Your first initial thought might be, why would I EVER want to...


Free Video Editing Tools

There are many video editing and audio editing tools out there. There are several free tools with Windows Movie Maker probably being one of the most popular ones. My daughters and I have used...


Why everyone should have Chromecast

There have been many great inventions since the Internet became commonplace in the 90’s but in my opinion one of the best for my money has to be Google’s Chromecast. I just assume in...


Top Free Online Learning Sites

I am constantly amazed at all the free online educational sites on the Internet. These sites are available to anyone who wants to put in the time to learn new things or update an...